Saturday, October 16, 2010


Sovereign Republica Srpska.

The second leading article in The Times of 14 / 10 / 2010 was grievously mistaken. Attempting now forcibly to

reunite Republica Srpska with Residual Bosnia is to prescribe further conflict and bloodshed. The utmost that

might conceivably be achieved in the direction of union would be the creation of a loosely knit dyadic federat-

ion, lacking even a joint legislature, The late federation between Serbia and Crna Gora (Montenegro) was an

example, but it did not endure. Moreover, that possible expedient did not commend itself to the Kosovars, who

insisted on a complete break with Serbia. Why ,then, should such a device be foisted on the people of Republica


The United Nations Organization and the European Union would do well to embrace the reality and

recognize that republic for what it is, an independent, sovereign state. If the disparate communities in the

remainder of Bosnia wish to continue their current union, that is their affair. Iit is to be hoped that over a

sustained period of coexistence relations between the two states in Bosnia will improve and that they will

gradually begin to cooperate on common practical issues, but that is as far as close relations are ever likely to


Michael B. Buck. 15 / 10 / 20010.