Swift And Sure.
Much agonizing over "the end stage" in Libya is demoralizing; certainly the decision (No.1973,
reached by the UN Security Council) to establish the 'No Fly' Zone is justified, but the uncertainty about the outcome is corrosive. Gaddafi also faces hard choices; either he consolidates his present hold on much of Tripolitania [in the West] and hangs on, or he passes from the scene because of defeat, deposition or worse by a disillusioned supporter. Keeping watch by means of the 'No Fly' zone, lest Gaddafi should attack and try to kill the rebels, would be less expensive and hazardous than full-scale intervention, and much more effective, regardless of the actions of the Libyan revolutionaries.
Michael B. Buck.
reached by the UN Security Council) to establish the 'No Fly' Zone is justified, but the uncertainty about the outcome is corrosive. Gaddafi also faces hard choices; either he consolidates his present hold on much of Tripolitania [in the West] and hangs on, or he passes from the scene because of defeat, deposition or worse by a disillusioned supporter. Keeping watch by means of the 'No Fly' zone, lest Gaddafi should attack and try to kill the rebels, would be less expensive and hazardous than full-scale intervention, and much more effective, regardless of the actions of the Libyan revolutionaries.
Michael B. Buck.
Labels: Politics.