Saturday, May 21, 2011

Israel's Future Boundaries.

President Barack Obama's declaration in favour of re-establishing the pre-1967 boundaries between Israel and Palestine is refreshing. It may take long enough to convert that prospect into a realistic peace settlement, but it is a start. Despite the angry protests of the Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, and his settlerite supporters, steps are going to be required to reduce his state's dependence on economic and military aid from the U.S.A., and thus persuade a majority of his compatriots to emulate the decision of the former prime minister, Arik Sharon, to leave Gaza, and so withdraw from the West Bank.

Michael B. Buck.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Pointless Folly.

It has been reported that Israeli naval forces recently intercepted a ship sailing towards Gaza, and, having inspected its cargo, comprising pipes for sewage systems, turned the vessel away. It is hard to understand the reason for debarring goods, clearly designed for peaceful and socially useful purposes, from reaching their destination. Such action can only increase bitterness and weaken still further the prospects for peace in Israel, Palestine and the neighbouring states.

Michael B. Buck.


Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Deliverance - Now What?

The death and burial at sea of Osama Bin Laden brings to mind an account in a history text book of a war, in which the Russians invaded the Ottoman Empire: " the Turks retaliated by hanging the Patriarch and two bishops and tipping their bodies into the Bosphorus." It seems that some things haven't changed much since then. The reactions to the latest news have varied from relief to exultation and glee.

This weekend people need to give thanks for deliverance from great evil and a multiple murderer, and to pray for future calm, peace and practical cooperation.

Michael B. Buck.
